The Network for Global Activism released y'day the following call for int'l solidarity...
Dear friends,
This is a solidarity letter to support a woman worker who has been sexually harassed by her managers, and unfairly dismissed as a subcontractor of Hyundai Motor. She has been holding a sit-in struggle in front of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family from June.
We are deeply concerned about her health. But this solidarity action is not just for her but also for all those women who suffer sexual harassment at... work places. And especially, for those women workers who work as subcontractors. For them it is very hard to fight against sexual harassment at the shop floor. Because the owner of subcontractors can simply fire them or cancel their labor contract, if found in trouble. And the prime contractors will never take their responsibility. Her case is very typical case to highlight such widespread and rampant practices. So this is very important to break this wrongful practice in Korea.
Please take action to urge that the Ministry of Employment and Labor, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family and Hyundai Motor to take the responsibility and set out to find an answer for this problem. All those concerned authorities should be made responsible to punish offenders and to have her reinstated promptly...
The complete appeal, incl. a sample protest letter you can read (and hopefully support!!) here:

Organise a Hyundai boycott?
You might include in your letters that if Ms. Park gets no satisfactory outcome, we will organise a boycott of Hyundai products.
Writing to local dealers is going to make them unhappy and maybe cause them to put pressure on Hyundai leaders.
What do youse think - doable?